Fraser Wilson

A ‘returning’ actor.

“Eighty minutes of solos and duologues masterfully executed as seven characters.” (Dorset Village Tourer 2017)

“Fraser Wilson plays a skittish, fickle Corbaccio with great zeal.”
(Theatre Tourist 2015)

“Corbaccio : a hilarious Fraser Wilson.”
(Stage 2015)

From 1974 to 1990 I was an actor in all branches of the business. Between 1990 and 2014 I directed ninety children’s plays. I also performed in my own theatre companies Beyond the Stave and Musical Storytime.

I have now left acting but record voiceovers and give readings. I still direct theatre. Recently I directed TREASURE ISLAND and ran a YOUNG ACTORS WORKSHOP – both at The Exchange, Sturminster Newton, Dorset.

Fraser Wilson Actor